Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 3 Atlas Skews All Locations

Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 3

Destiny 2 players are in luck! The latest quest, Tracing the Stars 3 means more Atlas Skews to find and deposit at a gatehouse. As with previous weeks you will get five location clues for these rare animals which can be found all over Rheasilvia area of Destiny’s Dreaming City including Harbinger’s Seclude location near where Agerian cylinder was accessed by Lord Shaxx during Iron Banner Season 1 finale event last year before getting trapped inside it himself aka according to lore part two should happen soon after this newest update but no official confirmation yet about what happens next so keep your eyes peeled.

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Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 3 Atlas Skew locations

Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 3 Atlas Skew locations

The five Destiny 2 Atlas Skews you’re looking for are short, white poles with an orb device near the top. All of them can be found in Rheasilvia and Harbinger’s Seclude locations throughout Dreaming City but they will require some platforming skills as well as familiarity on where these places exist within Destiny 2’s map! We’ve got a guide that should help get your Tracing The Stars 3 treasures easily though so stick around if this interests or worries ya’ll at slightest smidgen because we won’t let no one down here 🙂

Once you get within about 30 meters of one, a waypoint icon will appear on your HUD to help you zero in on the skew. There isn’t any landing zone for Rheasilvia so this guide has been ordered with an optimal travel route around each Atlas Skew location using map clues and numbered descriptions.

1. Rheasilvia Lower Level

After you’ve found the cave that leads from Divalian Mists to Rheasilvia, keep following this path as it descends down towards a temple and then turns left after going through another passageway. Eventually your path will lead you to an opening in some rocks where there is usually one of these Atlases Skewkeepers posted outside with their back turned – if they see someone coming close enough for them not be able stop all too soon or move far away quickly enough due either situation being dangerous (for example: Someone chasing), but just kind-of slowly getting closer over time until finally making contact). So once again try approaching cautiously.

2. Rheasilvia Temple Overlook

The Temple Overlook is one of the most scenic spots in all of Rheasilvia, and it’s easy to see why. Once you’re near this overlook with its breathtaking view over everything below; your first stop should be an Awoken Corsair who offers extra missions for Ghosts on patrol around here! It might take some time getting used to climbing that rock formation (there are plenty more like them), but once we made our way up there – voila: perfect spot from which navigate through these beautiful woods toward main temple building at far side .

3. Rheasilvia Secluded Statue

For this Atlas Skew, head back to the temple doorway as with the previous one but instead of turning left at that point into another large rock formation like before, proceed right up toward an elevated perch where you can find some ledges. Navigate your way around these rocks by using them when they’re available and climb onto another tall column for more jumping-then simply leap across onto yet ANOTHER huge piece of rubble! Climb alllllwayyyy until finally reaching top so equipped yourself nicely in preparation because there’s no telling how far away either side might seem after running here trying not lose hope…or breath 😉

4. Harbinger Sidehall Statue

The fourth and final Atlas Skew is located within the Harbinger’s Seclude. To reach this area, explore Rheasilvia’s temple building to find an opening into a large cavernous room with only one statue standing sentry at its center as well as passage on either side lined by stone pillars that block off any hope for exploration beyond their resting place in time past; yet here we are before those same hallowed walls where another monolith awaits patiently beneathfoot – but surely not alone…

5. Harbinger Ahamkara Skulls

The fifth and final Atlas Skew for Tracing the Stars 3 is in a room with an Ahamkara skull located near stairs descending into darkness. To get there, you will need to run across caverns full of dangerous enemies or take your chances climbing up spiral staircase at center height before jumping down pit nearby when finished navigating through it’s winding hallways…

It should be noted that these are not always easy jumps – so make sure they suit whatever skill level you’re playing at! Once inside head towards large statue looming ahead on left side if facing outwardly positioned doorway leading back outside again; atop pedestal stands black vessel engravedwith EyesOfTruth symbology.