Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 1: Where to find the Destiny 2 Cimmerian Path & All the Tracing Stars Locations

destiny 2 cimmerian path

Wondering where to find the Destiny 2 Cimmerian Path in Tracing Stars I? We can point you toward this Dreaming City location, and all the other places that will help with completing your objective. Once Season of Lost has been introduced on May 31st (a day early), it’s available from YOUR WAYFARER COMPASS located at HELM!

In this quest, you need to find five Atlas Skews hidden in and around the Divalian Mists area of Dreaming City. The hardest skewer can be found on Cimmerian Path so make sure that’s where your search starts! Once all five have been discovered they will reward players with a Scepter called Ager’s Trace Rifle which is perfect for any Destiny 2 fans out there looking forward towards exotics from Forsaken expansion pack next year.

The goal of this treasure hunt is to find five different types of poles in the Divalian Mists area. Some are easier than others, but all will get marked with a waypoint icon when you’re very close and then disappear after collection–useful because getting out can be tedious or time-consuming! This map should help make finding your next one quicker; just remember that using embark zones (like landing zones) often works better than heading straight into Lost Sectors if possible.

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1. Divalian-Rheasilvia Path, Lower Cliffside

To find this Atlas Skew, head towards the cliff edge in northern Divalian Mists next to cave pathway that leads Rheasilvia. The first skewer you’ll come across is down below on top of some ruins just outside said path leading into it; take caution when climbing up because there are no guardrails!

Aerith will need two skewers for her quest- Tracing Stars so get ready by finding 1st one inside tent near waterfall found after talking with Millenia Philosopher at Great Crystal Summit area.

2. Divalian-Cimmerian Path, Central Cave

In this part of the Tracing The Stars I quest, you must find a small cave on Divalian-Cimmerian Path from where it leads to The Strand. From Mists Landing Zone headed straight forward towards central plaza in frontage gateways cliff wall. You’ll get there at rocky base with an entrance into dark, filled only by Atlas Skew.

3. Drowned Bay Alcove

The Destiny 2 Atlas Skew is hidden in the Bay of Drowned Wishes Lost Sector. From the Diluvian Mists landing zone, you need to turn around and head into this lost sector that has enemies like Scorn located throughout it normally until your path reaches an area with misty cliffs on either side making way for a nook where there are plenty more Mavericks awaiting alongside their own treasure trove just waiting patiently at any given moment so hug those walls if possible because eventually they will bite back after being touched by some brave loot seeker’s hand but before doing anything else proceed carefully as well try looking out towards landmarks.

4. Spine Oracle Orrery

In order to complete this objective in Tracing the Stars, you must head towards Keres Spine. The entrance is through a crystal archway next to where your first Atlas Skew was found on Destiny 2’s Lost City map; follow it along until reaching an orrery tower with stairs going straight up at its peak – climb all way up these curved steps for some seriousface pondering time. Fourth skewee awaits once near top!
Trace Your Way Through Time and Space.

5. Distant Spine Island Tree

The final Atlas Skew in the Tracing the Stars I quest is very easy to get, but it’s at a high level. Jump down into this area from where you cleared out all of those Taken enemies near your orrery room with an open gate door on its middle section leading directly outside towards some large marble domes and small islands filled with rocks that must be crossed by jumping across them until reaching one last dead tree before arriving at land again far off shore.

After you’ve found all those Atlas Skews, a mission will arrive in the HELM to deposit them. After depositing your skews with this quest’s Wayfinder Compass and finishing up Tracing The Stars II for Season of Lost; return next week looking out for more hidden treasures!