Destiny 2 Agers Scepter: How to Complete Hollow Coronation Exotic Quest

Destiny 2 Agers Scepter

The Scepter of Agony can now be unlocked and upgraded with a new catalyst. You must first complete “A Hollow Coronation” in order to unlock it’s potential, then head on over the Wayfinder’s Compass where you’ll find two more Atlas skews that are needed for running Astral Alignment several times as well as completing three strikes before finally being able wield this powerful weapon at its full strength!

If you want to make it even better than it already is, then get the Exotic Catalyst for your weapon and upgrade that bad boy. The process of unlocking its full potential may be a bit daunting but we’ve got all steps laid out in this A Hollow Coronation quest guide!

Before you can grab the Exotic quest from the Wayfinder’s Compass in HELM, make sure that you have completed Tracing Stars 1-3. These quests task with exploring certain areas of Dreaming City for Atlas Skews and are available through your compass so here is a guide on how to find them all!

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The first thing I recommend doing when grabbing an exotic weapon or armor set as part of this promotion would be opening up one treasure chest at each location where there’s navigation clues pointing towards new locations within The Imperial Seat itself – these tasks will unlock some cool rewards like different stylesheet items for obtaining more information about what exploration has revealed thus far regarding possible sources related directly toward achieving specific goals.

How to get the Agers Scepter Exotic Stasis Trace Rifle

1. Find Atlas Skews in the Dreaming City Confluence

The first step after picking up the quest is to speak with Mara Sov. You can find her in her usual place through a portal within HELM, and she’ll give you five locations for reaching an Atlas Skewer – all located Confluence area of Dreaming City! This part has three hidden entrances but once there it’s easy enough as long as those spots were found: drop off bridges from orrery tower on Spine Ceres into rocky path leading down seen Plenty have been able get past guardian gate at one point so don’t worry

Harbinger Cathedral
Confluence Tree Triad
Confluence Throne Portal
Confluence Giant Crystal
Garden Entry Statue

2. Activate the Atlas Terminal in the Gatehouse

As with the Tracing Stars quests, once you’ve collected all of your skews and deposited them at one terminal in A Hollow Coronation quest mission. The node for this mission is on HELM map screen–head into gatehouse to get started! Once there deposit rightmost terminals with their precious cargo; listen closely as Prince Uldren’s story ends before setting out towards an awaiting portal that will lead back home again where Agers Scepter awaits (but not without its seal).

3. Earn Parallax Trajectory, defeat Astral with rifles

You can get Parallax Trajectory without too much trouble if you’re willing to put in the work. For this step, all that’s needed is 100 of them and defeat enemies with rifles while playing through Season of the Lost on an Astral Alignment map like ‘Abandon All Hope’. There are many ways one could obtain these: completing Strikes will provide about as many upgrades for your Wayfinder Compass after just 1 play-through; skimming any barter packs available from vendors throughout The Last City also yields some extra coastal range shotsights (though not nearly enough!).

You’ll need to arm yourself with an Astral Alignment rifle in order for this objective to count. All weapons that have a name beginning with “rifle,” such as Auto Rifles, Pulse rifles and Scout/Fusion guns are eligible so you can get one from any of your four slots if possible!

4. Defeat Champions and get Super kills in Astral Alignment

It is important to keep going with the battle until all of your enemies are defeated. You will need at least two runs through Astral Alignment in order for this objective complete, and it’s not an easy task!

It’s not easy to find a good place for this objective, so it’ll take some time. But don’t worry! You have plenty of opportunities with how many enemies are in each level and their location on screen. Just try using Stormtrance or Nova Warp as your Super power depending if you’re warlock or titan class respectively- these two will make quick work out there while getting stronger upgrades from orbs dropped by fallen foes too boot (especially when combined). Lastly use Rally Banners at key points throughout fights where they’re most effective before fully charging up that ability meter yourself through usage alone.

5. Complete Strikes to gather Strands of Nobility

For this step, you must complete three particular Strikes to get Strands of Nobility for Mara. The first Strike is Lake of Shadows on the EDZ; it can be found by heading into that node and then selecting “Strikes” from the navigation bar at top left corner (or press escape). Next up there’s Disgraced in Cosmodrome – go look DEUS VULT MALECO IN IGNEM FATIAM if needed but make sure its gone through all 3 stages before pressing Start!

6. Collect the Noble Seal and claim Agers Scepter

Now you have all the information needed for this seal. Return to Mara so she can give it to you, but make sure there is space in your weapon slot reserved where she hands over the scepter; otherwise known as Agers Scepter from Dozmary Vault near Janus’ Wall (Hollow). Once obtained take on A Hollow Coronation Exotic Quest Mission which will finally allow players access into claiming their reward once they’ve fulfilled certain conditions – like level 60 with Challenges enabled!

7. Defeat Kelgorath, Risen from Bones

The Agers Scepter is the perfect weapon for getting past these pesky walls. You’ll need to break it down with a well-placed shot, but when they’re gone there are some secrets lurking in this Shattered Realm! Keep yourDestiny 2 scepter handy and make sure not miss any shiny rocks on your journey through – because who knows what could be hiding behind them?

Once you’ve broken out the vault, your Agers Scepter will be ready for anything in this boss fight. With near-unlimited ammo and regular refills – there aren’t any mechanics or strategies needed to beat Kelgorath! You just need some good aim on behalf of yourself and countless Hive minions who are fighting against their undead masters.

8. Return to Mara

After you’ve completed all eight quests in The Agerian Prophecy, return to Mara one final time for a debrief and the conclusion of Agers Scepter’s story.

The Azure Scepter is an excellent new addition to the Exotic weapon armory in Destiny 2. Defeating an enemy with it creates a slowing burst around them which can freeze nearby enemies if they are hit by multiple blasts, making it perfect for Stasis Subclasses or even certain aspects and fragments! However; you’ll need the rare Catalyst that this exquisite blademaster has on hand before you can fully enjoy its perks – luckily though there’s always another way…

How to get the Agers Scepter Exotic Catalyst and what it does

The exotic catalyst, Ager’s Scepter is dropped from the loot chests in Astral Alignment. The drop rate appears to be quite high so you should receive this item after your first few runs through the zone with it slotted onto one of your weapons as soon as possible and upgrade or forge it at an appropriate level for more benefits unlocked!

The Agers Scepter is a weapon that requires 1,000 kills to unlock and it’s not as difficult if you know what steps Needed. First off all precision shots with the Ager’s Scepter count towards your total so make sure when playing this game mode for extra catalyst progress! Additionally destroying Illusory Barriers in The Shattered Realm will also give more than one time these types of kill rewards too which makes things easier still on top of giving out some nice gear such as Empowered Red gemstones or even an elite status effect stimpack called “Zealous Mode”.

Once you’ve completed the catalyst, Ager’s Scepter will be masterworked. With this perk and by holding down reload while using stasis beam to shoot enemies in a row; it generates Orbs of Power for collecting them as they fly off from your weapon which can then be used towards upgrades or buying new content like skins! The ‘Will Given Form’ Catalystan has been added recently too making supercharging even more rewarding than before allowing players with an full charged Super ability give themselves over completely into power up mode during gameplay where movement becomes sluggish but dealing increased damage against foes frozen via contact freeze shot – leading enemies toward defeat faster due right away upon activation.