All 20 Genshin Impact 5 Star Characters

Genshin Impact 5 Star Characters

The pursuit of happiness appears to be lost in translation. So many people think that they can find joy with the current roster of 4-star characters but it’s not true at all; instead, millions risk losing billions just for their desired 5th star character.”

With regards to character choice, it’s all about how lucky you were in the old days. 5-star characters are always going up and their numbers seem too endless for any one person alone! Nevertheless Genshin Impact offers a number of choices so players won’t be bored with what they have available right now – but which is best?

Genshin Impact Dragonspine Stone Tablets | Genshin Impact 5 star characters | Genshin Impact fishing spots | Genshin Impact Anemoculus | Genshin Impact Aloy character | Genshin Impact wishes | Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot blueprints | Reroll in Genshin Impact | Genshin Impact Crossplay | Genshin Impact DPS Characters | Pyro Genshin Impact Characters | Genshin Impact Windsong Lyre

20 The Traveler

  • Element: Anemo/Geo
  • Weapon: Sword

The Traveler is a unique and important part of the game, but it’s not this one. In fact, both Aether (boy) or Lumine (girl), can be considered ‘support’ characters at best as they have no advantages over other players aside from being able to switch elements on the fly–a skill which won’t really come into play until more cities are added in future updates!

19 Qiqi

  • Element: Cryo
  • Weapon: Sword

The healer with the worst rating in this game is Qiqi. She was once considered one of the best 5-star characters until they introduced more practical healers, which makes her now be seen as a 3 star or even 4 when compared to other players’ experiences at lower levels because she doesn’t generate enough energy for long periods without using up large portions on big heals and burst damage could easily surpass any little bit you put out before recharging anyways so it seems like pretty pointless effort really considering how few resources we actually get per fight anyway (don’t worry though…we all know developer support means everything!).

18 Keqing

  • Element: Electro
  • Weapon: Sword

As for the most powerful electro-based character in Genshin Impact right now? That would be Keqing – sorry, Razor fans. Still, Electro is considered to only have a slightly higher damage output than Qiqi; but if she were buffed like her physical counterpart then both characters can keep up with their power levels without issue

She has some fun abilities that make playing as an electric based hero worth it: Having access teleport aroundmaps quickly and zip past opponents with ease makes this female warrior extremely enjoyable

17 Jean

  • Element: Anemo
  • Weapon: Sword

Jean is the perfect character for anyone looking to save a slot in their party. She fills both DPS support and healer roles, with her element being wind which makes it easy for players who are always on the go since they don’t have stop at an Anemo shrine or anything when she has time off work!

Jean has become one if not likely most important members of our team today due only because we need someone flexible enough that can do everything from healing up injured party members while keeping them alive through battle Duels all without taking much damage themselves., Casting powerful spells like Swirl allowing you get rid any pesky foes quickly!

16 Mona

  • Element: Hydro
  • Weapon: Catalyst

Mona’s Hydro Element is one of the best elements in game. It offers both crowd control with cryo and DPS capabilities, making it versatile for any occasion or battle situation where you need to subdue your enemies while also hurting them badly enough so they won’t be coming back anytime soon! Monas also has other skills that can supplement her main role as well; she isn’t selfish at all which makes this character perfect not just against single opponents but entire swaths of foes who might come after us next turn.

Mona- The Genshin Impact Popular Tier Listing Put Her As A Sight On The Battlefield Both For Her aesthetics And Skillset She Can Easily Cover This Battleground In Hydroc(*Please note: if there

15 Albedo

  • Element: Geo
  • Weapon: Sword

Albedo, the carefreePKer. Everyone’s favorite albino duelist with all of his fancy duds on–including that mask you’ve seen him wear before? Yeah, it makes sense now why he always looks so good in photos! If there are any justice warriors out there looking for some Fry Guy magic to do their fighting dirty work then look no further because this guy has got your back (literally). Albedo may not have as many skills or passive bonuses like other characters but what does matter is how well they synergize together; I mean come on?! Who doesn’t need more energy when facing off against tons upon enemies…or foes who manage to slip past our frontline defense.

14 Raiden Shogun

  • Element: Electro
  • Weapon: Polearm

The latest 5-star character to be released at the time of writing, Raiden Shogun’s launch was met with much controversy. Apparently some players expected more from her being an Archon Character and all; there’s also people complaining that Electro is one weak element in terms on elemental reactions right now (something about lightning).

The fact still doesn’t prevent them flexing surprisingly high damage numbers though others have even resorted making this powerful sub DPS or viable main DPS despite those issues!

13 Yoimiya

  • Element: Pyro
  • Weapon: Bow

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen the return of some awesome, high-end raid DPS. After Ayaka came out and surprised everyone with her amazing performance as an assault class, many people were expecting Yoimiya to follow suit by being just as powerful but in another role – either support or hybrid classes like ranger/rogue. They say there are no accidents though so even if she didn’t meet those expectations; fans can rest assured knowing that their new favorite Pyro still has what it takes when you need someone quick who also packs quite enough power behind his attacks for him to make himself useful on top teams!

12 Aloy

  • Element: Cryo
  • Weapon: Bow

Aloy, a free 5-star character in Horizon Zero Dawn is more robust and viable than some of the worst characters. Her abilities are simple enough with her Elemental Burst which deals big chunk of damage right away but if you want to be really creative then try using it as an improvised weapon against larger enemies or use its energy for something else like freezing them before mashing on their frozen bodies until they submission come out because we all know Ganyu can’t get through that kind durable armor!

11 Tartaglia

  • Element: Hydro
  • Weapon: Bow

For a more solid hydro character that isn’t insidious or Mona, Tartaglia (aka Childe) is miles better. He’s the only pure DPS thunderbolt at this moment in time and his playstyle has been thoroughly analyzed by many players who see him as an attractive addition to any party with ranged attacks making it difficult for enemies’ melee fighters get near you while also dealing out high amounts of instant damage when they switch into close quarters combat mode!

10 Klee

  • Element: Pyro
  • Weapon: Catalyst

When it comes to dealing pyro-damage, Klee is the unstoppable force that can’t be stopped. She throws out bombs like they’re her job and leaves mines all over as well for good measure when she gets bored with those. When paired up properly (and you’ve got luck on your side), this definitely powerful but friendly fireproof character becomes an invincible reign of fire and terror against enemies – especially any who aren’t made from pure Fire Resistance or resistant enough already!

9 Diluc

  • Element: Pyro
  • Weapon: Claymore

Right now, it seems that Genshin Impact’s developers are intent on continuously dethroning Diluc for the standard benchmark DPS. He is easily one of if not thee most effortless damage dealers in this game and can clear battlefields with his skills having a low cooldown which means you’ll have no problem being at full power even while moving from one fight to another as he does all your bidding! The worst thing about him? Getting ahold of such an awesome character would be hard work indeed…

8 Xiao

  • Element: Anemo
  • Weapon: Polearm

Anemo characters are all about the DPS, and Xiao is definitely on top of that list. While some might say his reliance on Anemos to deal damage makes him vulnerable at times (especially with energy issues), you can’t deny how much destruction he causes when given enough time or patience for one final attack!

An emo kid who loves explosions? Yes please!. As far as anime go in terms’of xiao i am surprised by just what kind an powerhouse this character truly seems like because from looking over their profile page they have quite a few different skills up there sleeves but it looks likes most people would agree so far.

7 Ayaka

  • Element: Cryo
  • Weapon: Sword

Ayaka was one of the first 5-star characters to be released alongside Inazuma and she made quite a devastating effect. Her playstyle is simple enough, but that doesn’t mean her damage ceiling is lackluster – as long as you build correctly! Just give ayaka four pieces from Blizzard Strayer set plus an offensive focused sword for those who want more bang per buck in their gear slot investments . Additionally , there’s no need to worry about being trapped while fighting enemies since they will freeze up instead.

6 Venti

  • Element: Anemo
  • Weapon: Bow

Venti is a powerful support in the game, and also one of Anemo’s most popular heroes. His Vortex ability allows players to quickly suck enemies into it while opening up reactions for stacks that deal more damage than usual against them; this makes him an excellent candidate when your other party members are already defeated or otherwise occupied at range – he can create updrafts from below with his bow as well which will send any unfortunate souls up high enough off their feet so they’re easier targets!

5 Kazuha

  • Element: Anemo
  • Weapon: Sword

Kazuha, otherwise known as a better Venti is “power creeping” the Anemo god in such a way that it makes him more desirable. Kazure can do what ventis but with cheaper costs and he also possess crowd control abilities making his spammable elemental skill even strongr than ever before! Moreover kazushio has seen extensive usage when players try out maximizing damage their DPS teams reach because of how effective this character’s skills are at controlling mobs from all angles while simultaneously dealing massive amounts of damage to them.

4 Zhongli

  • Element: Geo
  • Weapon: Polearm

Geo has seen the biggest buff, and since Genshin Impact is a game of numbers, players love to focus their efforts on seeing huge damage numbers. With Geo characters now providing some major buffs in order for you as player character(s) move forward with your journey through these worlds or against bosses that may be too difficult without them! The archangel Zhongli was one such figurehead who took up this duty by giving us what we needed: His Elemental Skill does so much-providing two kinds shields reduce resistance while adding additional strikes from attacks aimed at knocking down our foes defenses–it’s virtually impossible not come out ahead after taking hits thanks him alone.

3 Hu Tao

  • Element: Pyro
  • Weapon: Polearm

With the advent of Hu Tao, pyro characters have been seeing a decline in their damage output. Though she doesn’t quite hold up to some other high-damaging classes like Klee and Diluc due her reliance on elaborate setups with risky plays for dealing out 2 million+ points at once– players shouldn’t expect this type of astronomical number anytime soon either since it requires putting yourself close enough too death which isn’t always possible during gameplay if you’re not willing do take those risks!

2 Eula

  • Element: Cryo
  • Weapon: Claymore

Hu Tao, the highest damage dealer in game has lost her title to Eula. With a single instance of 4 million physical attacks it is hard not be impressed by this record-breaking character’s skill set!

For those who don’t have enough cash on hand for Genshin Impact or are just looking at reaching high rackets without spending too much time getting there – regular 6 digit numbers should suffice with an all out push from any level 80 player certified as DPS Queen.

1 Ganyu

  • Element: Cryo
  • Weapon: Bow

The new Eula might be the next DPS on the block, but there are drawbacks that prevent her from dethroning Ganyu. For starters; she doesn’t rely solely on skills or bursts for six digits of damage every two seconds like many other game characters do – instead relying more heavily onto charged attacks which can trivialize entire battles in one go with ease (and at high levels). Another luxury this makes possible is bow users being able to make themselves almost untouchable while also making up an easy way of taking down foes quickly over prolonged fights where misses will happen much less often than they would otherwise due simply because you’re always aiming directly ahead when using bows.