Fortnite Winterfest 2021 Release Date

This season, Epic Games is helping to keep Christmas alive with their annual Winterfest event. The company has released decorations for the map and new LTMs that include snowball launchers – a favourite among players looking for something festive in Fortnite! As an added bonus during this time of year you can also unlock cosmetic rewards including back blings/loading screens as well as pickaxes (to help get those last few items).

The return of the cabin is sure to make players excited. There are tons of leaks about what we can expect, including new additions and even presents!

It looks like Epic has something big up their sleeve this year with Wintefest Cabin – but only time will tell if these rumors turn out true or not in July when they reveal everything at Gamescom 2019.

When Does Fortnite Winterfest 2021 Start?

The big question on everyone’s mind is when will the Fortnite Christmas event be? We usually don’t find out until a few days prior to Christmas and this year, we have no confirmed time yet. However according YouTuber Tabor Hill an event start date has been revealed: Thursday 16th December at 10 am ET/3 pm GMT.

“The timing of these challenges means that they might not overlap with other events happening around those times,” says Sims Jumping Jacks in response – “If I had any advice for players interested in competitive gameplay it would be more toward solo-competitive.” He also suggests gamers prepare themselves by completing daily contracts if possible because he believes there’ll likely only ever one winner per round who gets rewarded some.

Thankfully, this year’s Leakah leak seems much more clear-cut than last. The only thing we’re still wondering about is whether any changes will be made to the release date–but if they do happen then don’t worry since our team always has you covered! We’ll also provide coverage on all these leaks including what free skins and other cosmetic rewards are waiting for us in 2018 (hint hint: it includes Investor). Be sure check out today’s post while there still time before tomorrow becomes history !