Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 2: Where to find all the Atlas Skews in the Strand

Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 2

Another week of Season of the Lost has arrived in Destiny 2, and with it comes new locations for this quest. The Tracing the Stars II objective can be found at any time throughout Strand area where five Atlas Skews are waiting to be deposited by players who have already completed previous tasks like getting an Ager’s Scepter Trace Rifle from Queen Mara before she grants you access into her holding room through special means (read: hard work). Once they deposit their skeeves on site near Hermit’s Crockery Courtyard via Postmaster Vow Gloves’ Compasses hovering above them after returning home safely following adventures across all corners Earth’s solar system – including Mars!- then head back out again armed.

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Destiny 2 Tracing the Stars 2 Atlas Skew locations

The five Atlas Skews you’re looking for are short, white poles with an orb device near the top. All but one Tracing the Stars 2 skewer can be found in Strand area of Dreaming City – this week’s location descriptions should help a lot more! The first unique item requires some platform jumping and navigating as well though so read ahead carefully before going there yourself…

Once you get close to one, it will be marked with a waypoint icon on your HUD so make sure you look out for them when searching. Since there isn’t an available landing zone in the Strand (map), I ordered these Atlas Skew locations based off their most convenient travel route instead; use this map’s number listings below and follow along accordingly while traveling closer towards quest completion!

1. Strand Towering Statue

Return to the Divalian Mists and head east through a cave system. Climb up on top of The Towering Statue, which is directly ahead among the ruins in this open area where Rift Generator Public Event takes place as well! You can find your clue next to its left shoulder near an Atlas Skew worth grabbing for yourself if you’re looking hard enough – but be quick about it because these things only last so long before they go away forever…

2. Strand Gazebo Statue

The Destiny 2 Atlas Skew is a difficult quest that rewards those who persevere. From the Towering Statue, head roughly east and then follow it’s direction as if you were standing on top of an elephants ear (it’s kind of like flying). You’ll find yourself at Aphelion Rest Lost Sector – go across the bridge to your right or through where there are stairs up from below ground level if coming down here was faster for some reason) Once past this grand entranceway with all its pillars decorating either side leading towards another massive Buddha-like statue towering high into crystal clear skies above us – we must continue onward just ahead over these delicate looking scaffolds holding our attention long enough only because they’re so aesthetically pleasing.

3. Aphelion Brazier

The Aphelion Brazier is the easiest of all atlases to find in Destiny 2 since it’s almost impossible not too. From Strand Gazebo jump down into mist and head towards entrance for lost sector that can be found on rock wall outside with an ancient symbol carved into its surface (the focal point). Progress normally through this last room until you come across two braziers; one atop another which will reveal itself as being surrounded by candles so burn both away from yourself first before touching them – do note however if your flame becomes extinguished try lighting more nearby fires.

4. Garden Waterfall

For the next two Atlas Skews, you need to get through some tough enemies and take on this Strand cave. To do so properly though, head back here from Destiny 2’s Divalian Mists area with an entrance into it just like what’s found at Towering Statue right after leaving that first temple-looking place where all those Taken are waiting for us outside of their temples again! Once inside these Gardens Esila is another world entirely – even more beautiful then before if possible…

Follow the gardens’ natural path until you reach a large open area with lots of trees. Look for an elevated bridge that leads to a dome-shaped building on your right, and then search through these beautiful landscaped grounds for reference points such as waterfalls or bridges which will help guide where exactly to go next! Once found, look out from this perspective toward what seems like heaven above us – since we are standing high up away from everything else around here–and spot The Fourth Atlas Séance Skew somewhere in front under one those falling rainbows I told y’all about earlier today (yes indeed).

5. Garden Bridge Tree

You’ve got to stay in the same area of garden as your last atlas skew and get on top of that bridge leading into a dome-shaped building. There are plenty large rocks you can use for climbing up, but once there be sure not miss seeing an Atlas Skew right before one tree near its end!

Once you’ve found all five of the Destiny 2 Atlas Skews for Tracing the Stars 2, head back to Uldren Sov in Rheasilvia with proof and a little lesson on Awoken history. He will reward your hard work with an awesome shotgun! The treasure hunt doesn’t end here – more stages await next week when we visit these same areas again; be sure not miss out by logging into Destiny each day between now and then (or waiting until after launch!).