Genshin Impact Characters: All 6 Free Characters Ranked & Rarity

genshin impact characters

The 6 free characters are the only way to get started in Genshin Impact. These mighty warriors can be obtained early on, when players first start playing and need more help than what’s offered by their starter pets or even other people who own different accounts with upgrades for them already available at high levels.

Though the roster of free characters was once limited to five, Genshin Impact has since gained more. However each one still holds a special place in gamers’ hearts and memories as some were designed better than others which makes choosing difficult for newcomers or veterans alike.

After three major arcs, Genshin Impact’s story continues to throw new foes at players. Though the game gets more difficult with every encounter and there are already many powerful characters in play that require paid loot boxes or DLC packs for access – it has never been more important than now given these updates from miHoYo: they have increased character availability completely free of charge! This article will be updated so bookmark back later when you need help picking out your next crew member.

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Limited and Exclusive Free Characters

1. Amber

genshin impact characters

  • Rarity: 4-star
  • Element: Pyro
  • Weapon: Bow

Of the free characters in Genshin Impact roster, Amber was and remains a loved member. However times have changed for Mondstadt’s outrider as it becomes difficult to compete with other archers like Yoimya who makes for an easier Pyro than before due too little reasons using her particularly on this new update 2.0 that came into play last week where players are picky about elements they want which is why I would suggest playing as any one but ourselves if we’re trying something different. The output should not only include what has been said verbatim (which could be done).

2. Kaeya

genshin impact characters

  • Rarity: 4-star
  • Element: Cryo
  • Weapon: Sword

The Cavalry Captain is a powerful fighter, but the competition for his mount in terms of ice bridge ability makes it difficult. In addition to that he has light damage which doesn’t scale well with other Cryo characters or mounts like Ganyu does who have better scaling properties than him. However despite these flaws and drawbacks from using this character alone I still believe there may be some merit behind keeping one around if you don’t mind giving up an exploration advantage over taking on opponents head-on

3. Barbara

genshin impact characters

  • Rarity: 4-star
  • Element: Hydro
  • Weapon: Catalyst

Barbara is a healer in Genshin Impact, but she’s only average. Her heals are not great and her flaws are very noticeable to the player-base of this game. Nonetheless Barbara offers some needed service for players that don’t have access or want another character like themselves on their team; however because there’s such an extensive range between DPS (damage dealer) classes vs Support/Heal roles it might be difficult deciding which one you need more than others if your preference falls somewhere else.

4. Lisa

genshin impact characters

  • Rarity: 4-star
  • Element: Electro
  • Weapon: Catalyst

Lisa is one of the few characters available in this game with an interesting backstory. She’s also got some pretty cool abilities that help her be both a powerful combatant and support, but there are still some kinks to work out before you can do it at your full potential..

I think most players will find themselves getting better after practicing (or reading up on) how Lisa operates- she doesn’t make life easy for anyone while also being strategically intriguing!

5. Traveler

genshin impact characters

  • Rarity: 5-star
  • Element: All (interchangeable)
  • Weapon: Sword

The Traveler is a 5-star character that most of you wouldn’t include in your list of favorite characters, but they have their own set of special qualities. One thing about them worth noting? They’re technically the only free hero available without any kind restrictions and because this makes him/her so versatile when it comes down to elements – being able use 3 at once!

The Anemo traveler is a character that can be used as an excellent support for any team. The Geo-Traveler offers high crowd control capabilities and makes it easier on the main DPS while also providing great tactical support, like their Electro affinity or ability to switch elements at Statue of Sevens (a reference only found in games). Best yet? You get all this without having use up one of your three classes!

6. Xiangling

Xiangling genshin impact

  • Rarity: 4-star
  • Element: Pyro
  • Weapon: Polearm

Frankly, it makes sense that the hardest to obtain free character would be Xiangling. The first polearm character in this game offers both good Pyro support and decent DPS for those looking into a challenge with some new mechanics on their hands! Of course there are still minor flaws such as Guoba not being an accurate companion but you’ll find yourself making up for these shortcomings because at least she has ranged attacks which means crowd control isn’t always necessary when facing larger numbers of enemies or bosses due to her high base attack speed (speed). And even though they may seem simplistic sometimes; each casted skill does significant damage so leveling your weapon should come naturally over time.

Xiangling’s playstyle is all about switching between a DPS and support position. In the former role, players must have good reflexes to avoid being killed in close quarters combat while dealing damage from afar with high-damage attacks or healing others when they get taken down by enemies. Xiangling also benefits greatly from having characters who can target crowds because his abilities don’t always hit everything at once – which means that Ganyu will be needed for taking out bunches of foes quickly if she has been built correctly as an enabler instead of just being another tanky bruiser type player like Bennett would do well on most difficulties where enemy health pools tend toward average size sizes rather than small ones (although there are exceptions).