Born in Darkness Destiny 2 Beyond Light Complete Guide

Born in Darkness Destiny 2

The Born in Darkness Destiny 2 questline is available shortly after finishing the Beyond Light campaign, and you’ll want to grab it as soon as possible since it unlocks two new Stasis grenades for your subclass. This mission mainly boils down shooting dudes on Europa but there are a few more finicky steps along the way that we’ve outlined below with just enough detail so that anyone can follow them without getting lost or frustrated!

Born in Darkness part 1

The following are the requirements to receive 50 Energized Ether from defeating fallen enemies on Europa, as well as 10 Stasis melee final blows against any combatant there. The player must also complete 3 strikes with stasis equipped and defeat 60 combatants in playlist Strikes while using this gear set.

Winning matchmade or squadrons battles lasting 1 minute or more requiring you have used your energy weapons twice during that time span; -Owning Bunker 15’s Lost Sector where Weniks is located within it (elevation requirement);

Step One

Eliksni are the only foes you’ll fight in Lost Sector so it’s best if they’re your primary enemy. Stasis Final Blow makes these battles easy as long as you prime enemies first with a weapon like an assault rifle or shotgun before going into stasis mode and having their lives drained from them by one critical hit!

Step Two

You can defeat the 60 combatants before your second strike is finished so don’t sweat it here. Pick up bounties from Zavala in the Tower to multitask and get Vanguard rep while also farming Powerful Engrams for yourself or as gifts from other players (you know who they are). If an enemy has Stasis, then you’ll be awarded with three strikes that award Pinnacle drops too!

Step Three

Now you’ll defeat the Salvation Elite’s Platoon in Eternity. There isn’t much here, just make a path through Bray Exoscience until you see a giant Darkness shard on your way to salvation! Slaughter all of its fallen and proceed onto second stage for victory against these demons from beyond time itself…

A new enemy has been revealed: The Disciples Of Sorrow whom are suicide bombers with large machine guns that fire star shards as their weapon of choice – they’re tough but not impossible if we work together !!!

Step Four

The Bunker E15 Lost Sector is a challenging place to visit, so it’s best not to go alone. BayTech Security Frames are held captive by Vex there and must be freed in order for you fight back against them! When reaching the boss room with an Elsie Bray for dialogue who teleports out when defeated or after extensive interaction; she’ll give Born In Darkness: Part 2 when spoken with again afterward.

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Born in Darkness: Part 2

Step One

The Perdition Lost Sector in Cadmus Ridge and the Glassway are both easy ways to complete this step. You can use spamming your abilities, or try using Cryoclasm/Shatterdive with Behemoth Titans while Revenant Hunter’s have Shatterfield as their super ability which will freeze enemies when they don’t have it active on demand. Shadebringer Warlocks need only levy instantaneous Freeze Melee attacks against foes!

Step Two

The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here: it’s time to fight back. Use the techniques that have helped before and take down those goons once more, one strike at a time!

Step Three

When you see Meliks, who spawns behind the big Darkness shard and pops your super to kill him. If he doesn’t despawn with his platoon then clean them up so that you can finally finish this mission!

Step Four

Bring your void weapons to work the Vex Minotaur shields and take on a guardianlike quest. After you defeat this boss, go up into its room where there will be an open doorway at top of staircase on right side when entering from below ground level; Dr Bray is waiting for ya in Beyond! She’ll give out Duskfield Grenade – equip it if ya got Born In Darkness: Part 3 completed (she gives more info about how).

Born in Darkness: Part 3

Step One

You’ll need to defeat 30 Vex for their Darkness Energy, but you can also get lucky with a public event. Cadmus Ridge has plenty of enemies and it’s well situated near Europa where there are even more distractions!

Step Two

Next, complete 3 Gambit matches with Stasis equipped and in a gambit mode. In this part of the quest you will have 60 combatants to affect by using your super on them while focusing solely on clearing enemies from each zone. The new system makes it easy as possible so just go through these steps: kill all foes within range until they’re dead or flee; then finish off any stragglers that remain behind after zoning-in from far away distances (for example ranged attacks). If done correctly, players can rack up some cool Pinnacle gear rewards without having completed enough weekly active gameplays yet!

Step Three

Beat up on Teraks, Salvation Elite Platoon in Eternity. Head to the back of this space and fight through Bray Exoscience for some easy battles with your super abilities!

Step Four

Lastly, complete the Concealed Void Lost Sector and speak with an Exo Stranger. Data walls prevent you from speed running this challenging mission so bring arc weapons to make quick work of energy shields! Elsie Bray is behind one tough boss who must be taken down first before she can reunite her family again; don’t forget about those adds that come in afterwards – kill them all or third-party friends willEdge Swords are perfect for taking out these robotic enemies because they have Freeze status effect attached which immobilizes targets against their wills while also inflicting major damage over time due to Level 33 Property MEL Damage Vulnerabilities Cold Status Effect Trigger Chance Percent Reduction Rate.