Fortnite Chapter 3 Launchpad: Receive Your Next Objective at the Launchpad & Destroy Signal Jammers

Fortnite Chapter 3 Launchpad
(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortnite players are excited about a new chapter of season 3 and some of the changes that have come with it like Fortnite Chapter 3 Launchpad. The Biomes feature three separate areas: desert, jungle gypsy ship wreck, or snow-covered mountain peak for those who love an icy twist in their game play! For more information on how to complete challenges quickly check out this helpful guide from Epic Games.

The Launchpad in Fortnite Chapter 3 Location

The launchpad is not named, and it’s located on the east side of a new map. The large cluster islands are situated in this area as well-the most southeastern point on either island will show where you need to go!

Fortnite Chapter 3 Launchpad
(Image credit: Epic Games)

The location can be pinpointed with some patience: Look for landmarks like buildings or other important structural assets that might give your character an idea about what they’re looking at when searching through these locations; then use those points along their length lines (of vision) leading away from each feature towards another landmark which should provide more clarity before finally ending up back at square one once again – only now knowing exactly how far everything extended out onto land.

Where are and how to destroy signal jammers

In Chapter 3, there are three different signal jammers on the same island that you need to destroy. You can find them near a building just off of your left when facing in those directions from where the launchpad is located at. When approaching any one jammer for this challenge goal they will play an audio clip similar sounding The Scientist before swinging with whatever weapon (axe or sword) equipped so as planned demolish it! Here’s what these things look like in game:

Fortnite Chapter 3 Launchpad
(Image credit: Epic Games)

From the beach near the tallest palm tree, head towards water and you’ll find another jammer between three small islands. On this side of it there’s a boat dock where we noticed our second transponder nest too!