How To Find A Woodland Mansion In Minecraft?

how to find a woodland mansion in minecraft

Today we going to teach you how to find a woodland mansion in Minecraft easily. Now, this somewhat resources inefficient but it saves you so much time so if you have resources and you want to find one quickly do this.

Now let’s get into it you will need the following: One Villager One Cartography Table 16 Emeralds 2 Stacks Of Paper 2 Stacks Of Glass Panes 2 Compasses How you do it find yourself a villager and trap him we can’t get out boom now what you’re done with the villager is give him a cartography table which makes him trade you Maps to start to trade his paper just like so easily trade him paper fill up this bar almost boom the bar is filled up.

The next trade will be glass he’ll give you an ocean Explorer map woodland map so now put in your glass panes again fill up the bar make sure it’s all the way filled boom now the next set of trades will be a woodland Explorer map put in your emerald put in one compass make sure you click it and get the woodland Explorer map.

Ret two compasses for a reason and that’s because now we have to go find this thing and using a compass makes it so much easier to put the map in your offhand compass in your hand now look it might be hard to see actually when we’re on the ground so you will fly to make it clear but you see if you go this way which the compass is we going basically north cursor little dot is moving up which means you need to go this or that direction this direction so it’s kind of tough it might take some playing with but the point is on your map you are going to want me to put that down you are going to want to find your self the dot and get yourself closer to the house icon the bigger your dot is the closer you are the smaller the further away so now go out explore.

Find yourself on this map and go find the house icon and now we are officially on the map which means we are it is that easy now one thing to clarify again it can get very confusing getting sometimes the compass is confusing, sometimes the coordinates are confusing, sometimes the map’s confusing. Just be patient keep trying to move your little dot on this map and I promise you you will find your mansion pretty easily.