Genshin Impact Fishing Spots All Locations

Genshin Impact Fishing Spots

As you venture out into Genshin Impact 2.1, there are more than just fish to catch—there’s also the chance of earning free gear! Unlock this new update for your rod and reel through completing quests or by making purchases at Serenitea Pot shops located within each zone. And if that doesn’t sound tempting enough already…

The Catch is a four-star polearm perfect for claiming victory against enemies using its fast attack speed with high critical strike chances when held in one hand while equipped on another skillfully handled weapon setup like quick step + jump.

If you’re looking to master the art of fishing, then this is a guide for all your needs. From how unlock Genshin’s Impact feature and crafting bait in Teyvat City – we’ve got everything covered!

How to Unlock Fishing in Genshin Impact

Unlocking the Genshin Impact fishing system requires you to find and unlock a special pot in Serenitea. This private realm can only be accessed after reaching Adventure Rank 35, completing Archon Quest Chapter I Act 3 ‘A New Star Approaches’ on your own or with friends by using Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot blueprints that are available through purchasing them from merchants across Eora like this one here!

The before-you-start unlocking process for Genshin Impacts Fishing System involves getting yourself into serenity territory first where there is an exclusive item waiting at max level attainable without having done any quests beforehand; all players need now it seems.

If you meet all these requirements, then it’s time for a new World Quest called ‘Exploding Population.’ Just follow the story and complete objectives in order to permanently unlock Genshin Impact fishing system!

Exploding Population Quest Details

The first thing you should do when starting a new World Quest is activate your quest navigation in-game. You can find them under “World Quests” on the journal page, and they have an icon that looks like three people sitting around a campfire with plates of food laid out next to their feet for whatever level range will take up most time playing this adventure (10 through 60).

Katheryne at The Adventurer’s Guild offers assistance if ever needed while also giving some quests herself; she’ll be happy enough talking about any fishin’ tips too!

Next, go fishing for an ‘ornamental’ fish in the north of Starfell Valley. You can recognize this special type by its jumpiness (normal ones stay underwater). Once you’ve done that make your way back to Mondstadt and talk with him; congratulations! You just unlocked Genshin Impact Fishing feature!.

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How to Catch a Fish in Genshin Impact

The Genshin Impact fishing feature is not too difficult once you get the hang of it. First, try getting close to a spot where fish are known to congregate – accept their presence and then throw out your line (preferably with no bait on it). A little extra distance doesn’t really matter because if they’re within range than just reel them back in without penalty! If there’s something closer though…you’ll have better luck catching those stubborn ones who won’t bite right away.

But don’t worry; this game has plenty more tricks up its sleeve like an extremely beneficial “impact” mechanic that will help make sure every cast counts by stopping time while casting so slight adjustments can be made between each attempt at landing another catch.

The fishing bar has a yellow box inside of it. This changes its position constantly, shifting left to right and back again for your prey in order to stay within the confines until they are caught! The goal here is simple; if you see that this particular area moves away from where we want our line attached then all one needs do would be release pressure on their mouse button (or PC player’s left-handed click) which will cause themself more slack while pressing down hard enough into whatever surface was used originally as bait prior

Genshin Impact Fish Respawn Times

With all new features, the community is scrambling to master every minutia of info and everything we don’t already know. With regards Genshin Impact fish respawn times – currently people think it takes a day for stocks to replenish but there’s widely varying reports on how exactly things work; some say you can advance time and get more fish while others flat out state that this isn’t possible at all. It seems like those who want more are having trouble pinning down what they should do in order achieve their goal as well- if you’re looking into speeding up reaps maybe try adding something else such as dyes/fishing spots upgrades.

How to make Fishing bait in Genshin Impact

After catching some fish, you might find yourself in need of more bait. Luckily it’s easy to craft extra with the recipe for fruit paste bait that can be made at a crafting station!

A list of all possible fishing meats and their respective recipes is available on Genshin Impact’s website under “Fishing Materials.” All other ingredients necessary will either have been collected throughout your adventures or purchased from Mondstadt Fishing Association – who also offers them for three Medaka Fishes per Ingot (the small brown ones). Here’s what they are:

  • Fruit Paste Bait
  • Redrot Bait
  • False Worm Bait
  • Fake Fly Bait

Every Genshin Impact fishing spot in Mondstadt

Fish can be caught in Teyvat, but not all of them are native to this area. When fishing near Mondstadt you might come across these types:

  1. Medaka
  2. Dawncatcher
  3. Crystalfish
  4. Aizen Medaka
  5. Akai Maou
  6. Golden Koi
  7. Rusty Koi
  8. Venomspine Fish
  9. Snowstrider (only in Dragonspine)
  10. Pufferfish
  11. Bitter Pufferfish
  12. Tea-Colored Shirakodai

Every Genshin Impact fishing spot in Liyue

These are the fishing spots at Liyue:

  1. Medaka
  2. Dawncatcher
  3. Crystalfish
  4. Sweet-Flower Medaka
  5. Akai Maou
  6. Golden Koi
  7. Rusty Koi
  8. Betta
  9. Pufferfish
  10. Bitter Pufferfish
  11. Brown Shirakodai
  12. Abiding Angelfish

Every Genshin Impact fishing spot Inazuma

In Inazuma, you’ll find a variety of fishing locations. Some fish species are found in Mondstadt and Liuyue as well but some only exist here with us:

  1. Medaka
  2. Dawncatcher
  3. Crystalfish
  4. Glaze Medaka
  5. Akai Maou
  6. Golden Koi
  7. Rusty Koi
  8. Lunged Stickleback
  9. Pufferfish
  10. Bitter Pufferfish
  11. Purple Shirakodai
  12. Raimei Angelfish