Destiny 2 Gjallarhorn Guide: Destiny 2 And Out Fly the Wolves Quest

Destiny 2 And Out Fly the Wolves Quest

The Bungie 30th Anniversary Event has arrived in Destiny 2, and there’s a whole bunch of new content on its way. Along with the six-player matchmade activity called The Grasp Of Avarice dungeon set inside fabled loot cave (which you can explore right now if your Fireteam owns this location), players will also be able to unlock or purchase various items through Eververse store all related back to history from which developer is originated – including some really cool exotics like Gjallarhorn rocket launcher!

How to Unlock the Gjallarhorn

The exotic rocket launcher is a limited time weapon in-game that only comes with the Bungie Anniversary Bundle. This means if you don’t own this downloadable content, then it will be impossible for players to get their hands on one of these guns and use them against other enemies!

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1. Complete the Dares of Eternity and Grab the Quest from Xur

After installing the new update, you will be thrust into a six-man activity that requires skill and luck. Completing it for your first time takes players to Xur’s treasure room where they can trade in some items or quest rewards from him with something else of value like armor mods! When I went there after finishing up Dares Of Eternity Activity #1 …It already said “New Quest Available.” So don’t forget about Shaw Han.

2. Complete the Grasp of Avarice

The Grasp of Avarice dungeon is a challenging endgame activity set at 1310 Light. While some encounters can be tricky at first glance, there shouldn’t be much trouble once you figure out how each encounter plays out and remember that matchmaking isn’t available for this particular type of challenge (dungeons). There are puzzles but only three core ones- two bosses in addition to Sparrow section where players have fifty minutes or less before they explode!

4. Defeat 7 Powerful Fallen in the Cosmodrome

The best way to get your hands on wolfpack rounds is through Public Events. If you’re looking for the easiest route, try killing those pesky Fallen in Cosmodrome and reap rewards! You can also go down a Lost Sector as they both offer powerful foes that may have what we need lying around – although it might take us one run before finishing this stage of our journey.

5. Complete the Exodus Garden 2A

The final step in getting your hands on the powerful Gjallarhorn gun is a simple task. Head back to The Tower and speak with Banshee-44, who will give you one last quest before sending you off into battle against a tough boss villain. You don’t need any skill level or challenge meter for this part – just whittle down their health until they’re defeated! Once that’s done head over towards Lost Sector shown above (just Southwest from where we met) which should already be cleared out by now if not completed already at Master Difficulty Rank.